Battle for the best of the bands

The Crow MandalaThe Crow Mandala
The Crow Mandala
It’s crunch time for Morecambe four piece Philip James Turner and the Crow Mandala who will perform in the finals of the Reidy’s Exposure Battle of the Bands competition tonight, Thursday, in Blackburn.

The band is up against eight other acts - Henry Gallagher, Cataclysm, Hunting Game, Sophia, Skinny Wrist Gumbo, Where Fires Are, George Harris & The Memory Makers, Grace Davies and Caroline EvE - in what has been a fantastic showcase of unsigned music from across the region. Prizes include a music video, single, festival appearances and equipment and instruments. The final takes place at The Windsor Suite, King George’s Hall, Blackburn, tonight, Thursday March 26, from 7pm.