22 Kids and Counting dad Noel Radford pleads not guilty to speeding in Morecambe

Noel Radford. Photo Neil Cross.Noel Radford. Photo Neil Cross.
Noel Radford. Photo Neil Cross.
A dad-of-22 children accused of speeding and failing to identify the driver of a vehicle has pleaded not guilty.

Noel Radford, 53, of South Road, Morecambe is charged with speeding on the Bay Gateway at Torrisholme in a Porsche on November 6, 2023.

He was allegedly stung while breaking the 40mph speed limit along the route.

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He is also charged with failing to give information relating to the identification of the driver of a Porsche at Preston on December 14, 2023.

His case was heard at Preston Magistrates’ Court today (May 31).

A not guilty plea was provided to the court and the case was adjourned to Lancaster Magistrates’ Court on September 2 for trial.

Noel is the father of 22 children who have been in the public eye since 2012 when they first starred in the 2012 Channel 4 ‘15 Kids and Counting’, with their fourth series ‘22 Kids and Counting’ airing before Christmas.